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1import numpy as np 

2import logging 

3from pygeodyn.inout import reads 

4import pygeodyn 

5import os 

6from os.path import isfile, join 


8class ComputationConfig(object): 

9 """ 

10 Defines the configuration of the computation, namely: 

11 - All core state degrees and number of coefs 

12 - Physical constants 

13 - Forecast and Analysis times 

14 - Paths of the prior and observation data 

15 - Output file features 

16 """ 


18 # Initialization methods 

19 def __init__(self, do_shear, config_file=None): 

20 """ 

21 Loads the config according to parameters. First tries to load config file, then config dict if the config_file is None. 


23 :param do_shear: control if we add shear config parameters to config dict 

24 :type do_shear: int 

25 :param config_file: filename containing the config (see format hereafter) 

26 :type config_file: str (default None) 


28 config file format: 

29 name type value 


31 Example : 

32 Lb int 10 


34 supported format: int/float/str/bool 

35 lines starting by # are not considered. 

36 """ 

37 self.Lb = None 

38 self.Lsv = None 

39 self.Lu = None 

40 self.Ly = None 


42 self.do_shear = do_shear 


44 # data is a string, assuming the filename of a config file 

45 if config_file is not None: 

46 self.read_from_file(config_file) 


48 if self.Lb is None: 

49 raise ValueError("No maximal degree was read for the magnetic field !") 

50 if self.Lsv is None: 

51 raise ValueError("No maximal degree was read for the secular variation !") 

52 if self.Lu is None: 

53 raise ValueError("No maximal degree was read for the flow !") 


55 # Once the data was loaded, build all the relevant variables 

56 self.init_bools() 

57 self.init_out() 

58 self.init_physical_constants() 

59 self.init_paths() 

60 self.init_times() 

61 self.init_corestate_inits() 

62 self.init_observations() 

63 if self.do_shear: 

64 if self.Ly is None: 

65 raise ValueError("No maximal degree was read for the constraint on the shear !") 


67 self.init_shear() 


69 @property 

70 def Nb(self): 

71 return self.Lb * (self.Lb + 2) 


73 @property 

74 def Nsv(self): 

75 return self.Lsv * (self.Lsv + 2) 


77 @property 

78 def Nu(self): 

79 return self.Lu * (self.Lu + 2) 


81 @property 

82 def Ny(self): 

83 return self.Ly * (self.Ly + 2) 


85 @property 

86 def Nu2(self): 

87 return 2*self.Nu 


89 @property 

90 def Ny2(self): 

91 return 2*self.Ny 


93 @property 

94 def Nz(self): 

95 if self.pca: 

96 return self.N_pca_u + self.Nsv 

97 else: 

98 return self.Nu2 + self.Nsv 


100 @property 

101 def Nuz(self): 

102 if self.pca: 

103 return self.N_pca_u 

104 else: 

105 return self.Nu2 


107 def init_bools(self): 

108 """ 

109 Init computation booleans. 

110 """ 

111 if not hasattr(self, 'compute_e'): 

112 logging.warning("Compute ER was not set in the config file! Assuming True.") 

113 self.compute_e = 1 


115 if not hasattr(self, 'kalman_norm'): 

116 logging.warning("Kalman_norm was not set in the config file! Assuming l2 norm.") 

117 self.kalman_norm = 'l2' 

118 else: 

119 self.kalman_norm = self.kalman_norm.lower() # tolerance with caps 


121 if not hasattr(self, 'N_pca_u'): 

122 logging.warning("Number of coefficients for PCA of U was not set in the config file! Assuming no PCA.") 

123 self.N_pca_u = 0 

124 self.pca = 0 

125 else: 

126 if self.N_pca_u == 0: 

127 self.pca = 0 

128 else: 

129 self.pca = 1 


131 if not hasattr(self, 'remove_spurious'): 

132 logging.warning("Value to discard spurious correlations was not set! Assuming diagonal.") 

133 self.remove_spurious = np.inf 


135 if not hasattr(self, 'AR_type'): 

136 logging.warning("Type of AR process was not set in the config file! Assuming diagonal.") 

137 self.AR_type = 'diag' 


139 if self.N_pca_u == 0 and self.AR_type == "AR3": 

140 raise ValueError("AR3 process requires N_pca_u to be non-zero") 


142 if not hasattr(self, 'combined_U_ER_forecast'): 

143 logging.warning("U ER forecast dependancy was not set in the config file! Assuming independant.") 

144 self.combined_U_ER_forecast = 0 


146 if self.combined_U_ER_forecast == 1 and self.AR_type == 'diag': 

147 raise ValueError("U ER must be independant for diag forecast") 



150 def init_out(self): 

151 if not hasattr(self, 'out_computed'): 

152 logging.warning("Out_computed was not set in the config file ! Assuming computed states not saved.") 

153 self.out_computed = 0 


155 if not hasattr(self, 'out_analysis'): 

156 logging.warning("Out_analysis was not set in the config file ! Assuming analysis states saved.") 

157 self.out_analysis = 1 


159 if not hasattr(self, 'out_forecast'): 

160 logging.warning("Out_forecast was not set in the config file ! Assuming forecast states not saved.") 

161 self.out_forecast = 0 


163 if not hasattr(self, 'out_misfits'): 

164 logging.warning("Out_misfits was not set in the config file ! Assuming misfits not saved.") 

165 self.out_misfits = 0 


167 if not hasattr(self, 'out_format'): 

168 logging.warning("Out_format was not set in the config file ! Assuming single precision.") 

169 self.out_format = 'float32' 




173 def init_corestate_inits(self): 

174 if not hasattr(self, 'core_state_init'): 

175 logging.warning("Type of CoreState initialisation was not set in the config file! Assuming normal draw around average priors.") 

176 self.core_state_init = 'normal' 


178 if self.core_state_init == 'from_file': 

179 if not (hasattr(self, 'init_file') and hasattr(self, 'init_date')): 

180 logging.warning( 

181 "CoreState initialisation was set to 'from_file' but no file or date were given. Falling back to normal draw initialisation.") 

182 self.core_state_init = 'normal' 


184 def init_paths(self): 

185 """ 

186 Builds the full path according to the path given in conf or set default. 

187 """ 

188 if not hasattr(self, 'prior_dir'): 

189 logging.warning("Prior directory was not set, assuming 71path.") 

190 self.prior_dir = 'data/priors/71path' 

191 self.prior_type = '71path' 


193 if self.prior_type == '0path': 

194 if not self.AR_type == "diag": 

195 raise ValueError('AR_type must be diag for 0path prior') 



198 if not hasattr(self, 'prior_type'): 

199 raise ValueError('Prior directory was set ({}) without prior type ! Please set the prior type.'.format(self.prior_dir)) 


201 # Default behaviour is to read the COVOBS-x2 model as observations 

202 if not hasattr(self, 'obs_dir'): 

203 self.obs_dir = 'data/observations/COVOBS-x2_maglat' 

204 self.obs_type = 'COVOBS_hdf5' 


206 paths = ['prior_dir', 'obs_dir'] 

207 if hasattr(self, 'init_file'): 

208 paths.append('init_file') 


210 for path_key in paths: 

211 # If not absolute, build the absolute path from the given relative path 

212 given_path = self.__dict__[path_key] 

213 if not os.path.isabs(given_path): 

214 given_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(pygeodyn._package_directory, given_path)) 


216 if not os.path.exists(given_path): 

217 # Try to correct the path 

218 corrected_path = os.path.join(pygeodyn._package_directory, given_path.split('pygeodyn/')[-1]) 

219 # If the corrected path does not exist either, throw an error 

220 if not os.path.exists(corrected_path): 

221 raise IOError('{} given in config does not exist ! Did you supply a relative path instead of an absolute one ?'.format(given_path)) 

222 given_path = corrected_path 

223 self.__dict__[path_key] = given_path 



226 def init_observations(self): 

227 if self.obs_type == 'GO_VO': 

228 if not hasattr(self, 'obs_select'): 

229 logging.warning('No values of govo_obs_list found, default take all obs files in observation directory') 

230 self.obs_select = all 

231 if not hasattr(self, 'discard_high_lat'): 

232 logging.warning("Suppression of high latitude data was not set, assuming no suppression") 

233 self.discard_high_lat = False 

234 if not hasattr(self, 'SW_err'): # FOR 4MONTHS SWARM DATA ONLY!!! 

235 logging.warning('SW_err was not set, assuming diag error matrix for SWARM') 

236 self.SW_err = "diag" 

237 else: 

238 self.obs_select = None 




242 def init_physical_constants(self): 

243 """ 

244 Builds the physical constants of the computation. 

245 """ 


247 # Check for theta steps for Legendre polynomial 

248 if "Nth_legendre" not in self.__dict__: 

249 logging.warning("No number of theta steps was read ! Using default value 64.") 

250 self.Nth_legendre = 64 


252 # Check the presence of times 

253 if "TauU" not in self.__dict__: 

254 logging.warning("No characteristic time was read for the core flow ! Using default value 30 yrs.") 

255 self.TauU = np.timedelta64(30, 'Y') 

256 if "TauE" not in self.__dict__: 

257 logging.warning("No characteristic time was read for the subgrid errors ! Using default value 10 yrs.") 

258 self.TauE = np.timedelta64(10, 'Y') 


260 # Convert TauU and TauE in decimal values (in years) 

261 year_timedelta64 = np.timedelta64(1, 'Y') 

262 self.TauU = self.TauU / year_timedelta64 

263 self.TauE = self.TauE / year_timedelta64 


265 def init_times(self): 

266 """ Builds the variables linked to the times of computation (forecasts and analysis). """ 


268 if "t_start_analysis" not in self.__dict__: 

269 raise ValueError("No analysis starting time was read !") 


271 if "t_end_analysis" not in self.__dict__: 

272 raise ValueError("No analysis end time was read !") 


274 if "dt_f" not in self.__dict__: 

275 raise ValueError("No forecast timestep was read !") 


277 if self.dt_f == 0: 

278 raise ValueError("Forecast timestep cannot be zero !") 


280 if "dt_a_f_ratio" not in self.__dict__: 

281 raise ValueError("No dt_analysis/dt_forecast ratio was read !") 


283 if int(self.dt_a_f_ratio) != self.dt_a_f_ratio: 

284 raise ValueError("dt_a_f_ratio must be an integer!") 

285 else: 

286 self.dt_a = self.dt_a_f_ratio * self.dt_f 


288 if "N_dta_start_forecast" not in self.__dict__: 

289 self.N_dta_start_forecast = 1 

290 else: 

291 if self.N_dta_start_forecast < 1: 

292 raise ValueError("N_dta_start_forecast must be greater or equal to 1") 


294 if self.AR_type == "AR3": 

295 if "N_dta_end_forecast" not in self.__dict__: 

296 self.N_dta_end_forecast = 1 

297 else: 

298 if self.N_dta_end_forecast < 1: 

299 raise ValueError("N_dta_end_forecast must be greater or equal to 1") 

300 else: 

301 if "N_dta_end_forecast" not in self.__dict__: 

302 self.N_dta_end_forecast = 0 


304 if "dt_smoothing" not in self.__dict__: 

305 logging.warning("No prior dt smoothing was read ! Using default value 3.2 years.") 

306 self.dt_smoothing = 3.2 


308 if "dt_sampling" not in self.__dict__: 

309 logging.warning("No prior dt_sampling was read ! Using default value 5 years.") 

310 self.dt_sampling = 5 


312 t_start_forecast = self.t_start_analysis - self.dt_a * self.N_dta_start_forecast 

313 t_end_forecast = self.t_end_analysis + self.dt_a * self.N_dta_end_forecast + self.dt_f 


315 # Build time arrays 

316 # First forecast at t_start + dt_f 

317 self.t_forecasts = np.arange(t_start_forecast, t_end_forecast, self.dt_f) 

318 # First analysis at t_start 

319 self.t_analyses = np.arange(self.t_start_analysis, self.t_end_analysis + self.dt_f, self.dt_a) 

320 if self.AR_type == "AR3": 

321 self.t_analyses_full = np.arange(self.t_start_analysis - self.dt_a, self.t_end_analysis + self.dt_a + self.dt_f, self.dt_a) 

322 else: 

323 self.t_analyses_full = np.arange(self.t_start_analysis - self.dt_a, self.t_end_analysis + self.dt_f, self.dt_a) 


325 def init_shear(self): 


327 if not hasattr(self, 'TauG'): 

328 logging.warning("TauG was not set in the config file! Using default value 20 yrs.") 

329 self.TauG = np.timedelta64(20, 'Y') 


331 year_timedelta64 = np.timedelta64(1, 'Y') 

332 self.TauG = self.TauG / year_timedelta64 


334 if not hasattr(self, 'remove_spurious_shear_u'): 

335 logging.warning("Value to discard shear U spurious correlations was not set! Assuming diagonal.") 

336 self.remove_spurious_shear_u = np.inf 


338 if not hasattr(self, 'remove_spurious_shear_err'): 

339 logging.warning("Value to discard shear error spurious correlations was not set! Assuming diagonal.") 

340 self.remove_spurious_shear_err = np.inf 


342 if not hasattr(self, 'prior_dir_shear'): 

343 logging.warning("Shear prior directory was not set, assuming same prior as prior_dir.") 

344 self.prior_dir_shear = self.prior_dir 

345 self.prior_type_shear = self.prior_type 


347 if not hasattr(self, 'prior_type_shear'): 

348 raise ValueError('Shear prior directory was set ({}) without shear prior type ! Please set the shear prior type.'.format(self.prior_dir_shear)) 


350 paths = ['prior_dir_shear'] 


352 for path_key in paths: 

353 # If not absolute, build the absolute path from the given relative path 

354 given_path = self.__dict__[path_key] 

355 if not os.path.isabs(given_path): 

356 given_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(pygeodyn._package_directory, given_path)) 


358 if not os.path.exists(given_path): 

359 # Try to correct the path 

360 corrected_path = os.path.join(pygeodyn._package_directory, given_path.split('pygeodyn/')[-1]) 

361 # If the corrected path does not exist either, throw an error 

362 if not os.path.exists(corrected_path): 

363 raise IOError('{} given in config does not exist ! Did you supply a relative path instead of an absolute one ?'.format(given_path)) 

364 given_path = corrected_path 

365 self.__dict__[path_key] = given_path 


367 @property 

368 def nb_forecasts(self): 

369 return len(self.t_forecasts) 


371 @property 

372 def nb_analyses(self): 

373 return len(self.t_analyses) 


375 # Config methods 

376 def read_from_file(self, filename): 

377 """ Reads the config file from a filename and sets the read dictonary as object dict. 


379 :param filename: the file from which we load the data (see format at end) 

380 :type filename: str 

381 """ 

382 file_conf = reads.parse_config_file(filename) 

383 self.update(file_conf) 


385 def update(self, config_dict): 

386 """ Updates the internal dictionary of the object with the config_dict 


388 :param config_dict: Configuration dictionary 

389 :type config_dict: dict 

390 """ 

391 self.__dict__.update(config_dict) 


393 def save_hdf5(self, hdf5file): 

394 """ save necessary attributes for webgeodyn reading 

395 """ 

396 hdf5file.attrs["Lb"] = self.Lb 

397 hdf5file.attrs["Lu"] = self.Lu 

398 hdf5file.attrs["Lsv"] = self.Lsv