Coverage for pygeodyn/shear/ 93%
330 statements
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1import numpy as np
2import h5py
3import os
4import sklearn.covariance as skcov
5from pygeodyn.shear import blackBoxFormula2temp as bbf
6from pygeodyn.shear import templib_temp as templib
7from pygeodyn.shear.generic import Generic
9class ShearInversion(Generic):
10 """
11 Compute the shear at CMB at analysis time
12 """
14 def __init__(self, cfg, test=""):
15 """
16 Init instance of ShearInverion
18 :param cfg: variable containing configuration dictionary
19 :type cfg: dict
20 :param test: select test prior directory (default: "")
21 :type test: str
22 """
24 Generic.__init__(self, cfg, test)
27 def build_prior(self):
29 # Load prior
30 u_prior = self.load_prior_flow()
31 y1_error_of_representativeness, y2_error_of_representativeness = self.load_prior_err()
33 # Compute prior matrices
34 Pss_inv_with_glasso = self.compute_prior_shear(u_prior)
35 (
36 Pee_y1_tilda_with_glasso,
37 Pee_y2_tilda_with_glasso
38 ) = self.compute_prior_error_shear(y1_error_of_representativeness, y2_error_of_representativeness)
40 return Pee_y1_tilda_with_glasso, Pee_y2_tilda_with_glasso, Pss_inv_with_glasso
43 def load_prior_err(self):
44 """
45 Load prior error data
46 :return: y1_error_of_representativeness, y2_error_of_representativeness
47 :rtype: ndarray (Ntimes x Ly(Ly + 2)), ndarray (Ntimes x Ly(Ly + 2))
48 """
50 # Load prior error
51 if self.test == "":
52 filename = self.prior_dir_shear + "/y12_err_repr_Ly_{}_Lu_{}_Lb_{}.npy".format(self.Ly, self.Lu, self.Lb)
53 else:
54 filename = self.test + "/test_shear/CED_y12_err_repr_Ly_18_Lu_18_Lb_13.npy"
56 if os.path.isfile(filename):
57 y12_error_of_representativeness = np.load(filename)
58 y1_error_of_representativeness = y12_error_of_representativeness[:,:self.Ny]
59 y2_error_of_representativeness = y12_error_of_representativeness[:,self.Ny:]
60 else:
61 raise IOError(filename + " is not found you must provide the shear error of representativeness with the coefficients Ly = {}, Lu = {}, Lb = {} and for a prior = {}. To compute it, you can use the routine parallel code in pygeodyn/pygeodyn/shear/".format(self.Ly, self.Lu, self.Lb, self.prior_type_shear))
63 return y1_error_of_representativeness, y2_error_of_representativeness
66 def load_prior_flow(self):
67 """
68 Load prior flow
69 :return: u_prior
70 :rtype: ndarray (Ntimes x 2Lu(Lu + 2))
71 """
73 # Load prior flow
74 if self.test == "":
75 if self.prior_type_shear == "coupled_earth":
76 #sign convention coupled earth U
77 TNM = -np.loadtxt(self.prior_dir_shear + "/RealU.dat").T
78 elif self.prior_type_shear == "geodynamo" or self.prior_type_shear == "midpath" or self.prior_type_shear == "71path":
79 f = h5py.File(self.prior_dir_shear + "/Real.hdf5", "r")
80 TNM = np.array(f['U']).T
81 else:
82 TNM = np.loadtxt(self.test + "/test_shear/tnmsnm").T
84 tnm = TNM[: TNM.shape[0]//2, :]
85 snm = TNM[TNM.shape[0]//2 :, :]
86 flowcoefs = np.concatenate((-tnm[0:self.Nu, :], snm[0:self.Nu, :]), axis=0)
87 u_prior = flowcoefs.T
89 return u_prior
92 def precompute_operators(self):
93 """
94 Precompute operators
95 """
97 #########################################
98 # Calculating forward matrices to calculate
99 # theta phi maps
100 #########################################
102 self.delta_plus_forward_matrix_complex = bbf.calculate_u_forward_complex(
103 self.Lu, self.gauss_thetas, self.phis, bbf.generalised_Plm_plus, debug=True
104 )
106 self.delta_minus_forward_matrix_complex = bbf.calculate_u_forward_complex(
107 self.Lu, self.gauss_thetas, self.phis, bbf.generalised_Plm_minus, debug=True
108 )
110 self.u_plus_forward_matrix_complex = np.array(self.delta_plus_forward_matrix_complex)
111 self.u_minus_forward_matrix_complex = np.array(self.delta_minus_forward_matrix_complex)
114 #########################################
115 # Defining parameters to rebuild the
116 # forward matrices from the form
117 # [c10 cos, c11 cos, c11 sin, ... ]
118 # to
119 # [c1-1 real, c1-1 imag, c10 real, c10 imag, ... ]
120 #########################################
122 (
123 self.u_in_real_imag_form_dict,
124 self.Nu_real_imag_form,
125 u_cos_sin_dict,
126 Nu_cossin_form,
127 ) = bbf.build_real_imag_and_cossin_dict_pos(self.Lu)
129 #########################################
130 # Transformation matrix is built this way
131 # [c10 cos, c11 cos, c11 sin, ... ]
132 # to
133 # [c1-1 real, c1-1 imag, c10 real, c10 imag, ... ]
134 #########################################
136 #u_Matrix_from_cossin_to_R_I_form = (
137 # bbf.building_transformation_matrix_from_cossin_to_R_I_form(
138 # self.Nu_real_imag_form, Nu_cossin_form, self.u_in_real_imag_form_dict, u_cos_sin_dict
139 # )
140 #)
141 #
142 #u_Matrix_from_R_I_to_cossin = (
143 # bbf.building_transformation_matrix_from_R_I_to_cossin_form(
144 # self.Nu_real_imag_form, Nu_cossin_form, self.u_in_real_imag_form_dict, u_cos_sin_dict
145 # )
146 #)
148 #########################################
149 # Matrix, that describes multiplication by 1j
150 #########################################
152 #Matrix_multiply_by_i = bbf.building_transformation_matrix_multiply_by_i(
153 # self.Nu_real_imag_form, self.u_in_real_imag_form_dict
154 #)
155 #########################################
156 # Defining parameters to rebuild the
157 # forward matrices from the form
158 # [g10 cos, g11 cos, g11 sin, ... ]
159 # to
160 # [g1-1 real, g1-1 imag, g10 real, g10 imag, ... ]
161 # for Br
162 #########################################
164 (
165 b_in_real_imag_form_dict,
166 Nb_real_imag_form,
167 b_cos_sin_dict,
168 Nb_cossin_form,
169 ) = bbf.build_real_imag_and_cossin_dict_pos(self.Lb)
171 # Same for the flow coefficients
173 #(
174 # u_in_complex_form_dict,
175 # Nu_complex_form,
176 # u_cos_sin_dict,
177 # Nu_cossin_form,
178 #) = bbf.build_complex_and_cossin_dict_pos(self.Lu)
180 # Same for coefficients of change of magnetic field in time
182 (
183 _,
184 _,
185 _,
186 self.Nsv_cossin_form,
187 ) = bbf.build_real_imag_and_cossin_dict_pos(self.Lsv)
189 #########################################
190 # Transformation matrix is built this way
191 # [g10 cos, g11 cos, g11 sin, ... ]
192 # to
193 # [g1-1 real, g1-1 imag, g10 real, g10 imag, ... ]
194 # for Br
195 #########################################
197 self.b_Matrix_from_cossin_to_R_I_form = (
198 bbf.building_transformation_matrix_from_cossin_to_R_I_form_B(
199 Nb_real_imag_form, Nb_cossin_form, b_in_real_imag_form_dict, b_cos_sin_dict
200 )
201 )
204 #########################################
205 # Pre calculating intermediate maps for
206 # the flow
207 #########################################
210 self.u_plus_data_matrices, self.u_minus_data_matrices = bbf.calculate_u_data_matrices(
211 self.Nu_real_imag_form,
212 self.u_in_real_imag_form_dict,
213 self.gauss_thetas,
214 self.phis,
215 debug=True,
216 u_plus_forward_matrix=self.u_plus_forward_matrix_complex,
217 u_minus_forward_matrix=self.u_minus_forward_matrix_complex,
218 forward_type="complex",
219 )
222 #########################################
223 # The same but for "s" term in calculation
224 # of the shear
225 #########################################
227 (
228 self.u_plus_forward_matrix_for_s,
229 self.u_minus_forward_matrix_for_s,
230 ) = bbf.calculate_u_plus_minus_forward_temp_for_s(self.Lu, self.gauss_thetas, self.phis, debug=True)
233 #########################################
234 # The same but for "v0" term in calculation
235 # of the shear
236 #########################################
239 self.u_zero_data_matrices = bbf.calculate_u_zero_data_matrices(
240 self.Nu_real_imag_form, self.u_in_real_imag_form_dict, self.gauss_thetas, self.phis, debug=True
241 )
243 #########################################
244 # Matricies that allow to recalculate
245 # u+lm and u-lm coefficients from tlm and clm
246 #########################################
248 self.TCtUmUp = templib.calculate_TlmClm_to_UminusUplus_matrix(self.Lu)
250 self.UmUptTC = np.linalg.inv(
252 #########################################
253 # Matricies to calculate u+lm u-lm
254 # from u-lm and backwards
255 #########################################
257 self.u_minus_plus_from_u_minus = templib.calculate_u_minus_plus_from_u_minus(self.Lu)
259 self.u_minus_from_u_minus_plus = templib.calculate_u_minus_from_u_minus_plus(self.Lu)
261 # Calculation of some supporting information
262 # for inverse problem for the shear
263 # (Generally should be removed to some library)
265 (
266 Y_in_real_imag_form_dict,
267 self.Ny_real_imag_form,
268 _,
269 _,
270 ) = bbf.build_real_imag_and_cossin_dict_pos(self.Ly)
272 REMOVE_LINES_Y_Real = []
273 self.STAYED_LINES_Y_Real = []
274 n = 0
275 for l_ in range(1, self.Ly + 1):
276 for m_ in range(-l_, l_ + 1):
277 if m_ == 0:
278 self.STAYED_LINES_Y_Real.append(n)
279 REMOVE_LINES_Y_Real.append(n + 1)
280 else:
281 self.STAYED_LINES_Y_Real.append(n)
282 self.STAYED_LINES_Y_Real.append(n + 1)
283 n += 2
285 Y_positive_to_full_real = np.zeros(
286 (
287 self.Ny_real_imag_form,
288 self.Ly * (self.Ly + 2)
289 )
290 )
292 ny_positive_real = 0
293 for ly in range(1, self.Ly + 1):
294 for my in range(0, ly + 1):
295 temp = (-1) ** my
297 y_pos_reim_pos = list(Y_in_real_imag_form_dict.keys())[
298 list(Y_in_real_imag_form_dict.values()).index((ly, my, "r"))
299 ]
300 y_pos_reim_neg = list(Y_in_real_imag_form_dict.keys())[
301 list(Y_in_real_imag_form_dict.values()).index((ly, -my, "r"))
302 ]
304 Y_positive_to_full_real[y_pos_reim_pos, ny_positive_real] = 1
305 Y_positive_to_full_real[y_pos_reim_neg, ny_positive_real] = temp
306 ny_positive_real += 1
308 if my != 0:
309 Y_positive_to_full_real[y_pos_reim_pos+1, ny_positive_real] = 1
310 Y_positive_to_full_real[y_pos_reim_neg+1, ny_positive_real] = -temp
311 ny_positive_real += 1
313 Y_positive_to_full_real = Y_positive_to_full_real[self.STAYED_LINES_Y_Real]
315 self.Y_full_to_positive_real = np.linalg.inv(
318 REMOVE_LINES_Y_Imag = []
319 self.STAYED_LINES_Y_Imag = []
320 n = 0
321 for l_ in range(1, self.Ly + 1):
322 for m_ in range(-l_, l_ + 1):
323 if m_ == 0:
324 REMOVE_LINES_Y_Imag.append(n)
325 self.STAYED_LINES_Y_Imag.append(n + 1)
326 else:
327 self.STAYED_LINES_Y_Imag.append(n)
328 self.STAYED_LINES_Y_Imag.append(n + 1)
329 n += 2
331 Y_positive_to_full_imag = np.zeros(
332 (
333 self.Ny_real_imag_form,
334 self.Ly * (self.Ly + 2)
335 )
336 )
338 ny_positive_imag = 0
339 for ly in range(1, self.Ly + 1):
340 for my in range(0, ly + 1):
341 temp = (-1) ** my
343 if my != 0:
344 y_pos_reim_pos = list(Y_in_real_imag_form_dict.keys())[
345 list(Y_in_real_imag_form_dict.values()).index((ly, my, "r"))
346 ]
347 y_pos_reim_neg = list(Y_in_real_imag_form_dict.keys())[
348 list(Y_in_real_imag_form_dict.values()).index((ly, -my, "r"))
349 ]
351 Y_positive_to_full_imag[y_pos_reim_pos, ny_positive_imag] = 1
352 Y_positive_to_full_imag[y_pos_reim_neg, ny_positive_imag] = -temp
353 ny_positive_imag += 1
355 Y_positive_to_full_imag[y_pos_reim_pos+1, ny_positive_imag] = 1
356 Y_positive_to_full_imag[y_pos_reim_neg+1, ny_positive_imag] = temp
357 ny_positive_imag += 1
360 else:
361 y_pos_reim_pos = list(Y_in_real_imag_form_dict.keys())[
362 list(Y_in_real_imag_form_dict.values()).index((ly, my, "i"))
363 ]
364 y_pos_reim_neg = list(Y_in_real_imag_form_dict.keys())[
365 list(Y_in_real_imag_form_dict.values()).index((ly, -my, "i"))
366 ]
368 Y_positive_to_full_imag[y_pos_reim_pos, ny_positive_imag] = 1
369 Y_positive_to_full_imag[y_pos_reim_neg, ny_positive_imag] = temp
370 ny_positive_imag += 1
372 Y_positive_to_full_imag = Y_positive_to_full_imag[self.STAYED_LINES_Y_Imag]
374 self.Y_full_to_positive_imag = np.linalg.inv(
376 (
377 delta_in_re_im_form_dict,
378 self.N_delta_re_im_form,
379 _,
380 _,
381 ) = bbf.build_real_imag_and_cossin_dict_pos(self.Lu, q=True)
383 s_plus_from_s_minus = np.zeros(
384 (
385 self.N_delta_re_im_form,
386 self.N_delta_re_im_form
387 )
388 )
390 for lu in range(0, self.Lu + 1):
391 for mu in range(-lu, lu + 1):
392 temp = (-1) ** mu
394 s_pos_reim_plus = list(delta_in_re_im_form_dict.keys())[
395 list(delta_in_re_im_form_dict.values()).index((lu, mu, "r"))
396 ]
397 s_pos_reim_minus = list(delta_in_re_im_form_dict.keys())[
398 list(delta_in_re_im_form_dict.values()).index((lu, -mu, "r"))
399 ]
401 s_plus_from_s_minus[s_pos_reim_plus, s_pos_reim_minus] = temp
402 s_plus_from_s_minus[s_pos_reim_plus + 1, s_pos_reim_minus + 1] = -temp
404 self.s_minus_plus_from_s_minus = np.concatenate((np.eye(self.N_delta_re_im_form), s_plus_from_s_minus), axis=0)
406 #s_minus_from_s_minus_plus = np.linalg.inv(
408 self.ulm_to_clm_matrix = np.zeros((self.Nu_real_imag_form, self.Nu_real_imag_form))
409 nu = 0
410 for lu in range(1, self.Lu + 1):
411 for mu in range(-lu, lu + 1):
412 temp = np.sqrt(2) / np.sqrt(lu * (lu + 1))
413 self.ulm_to_clm_matrix[nu, nu] = temp
414 nu += 1
415 self.ulm_to_clm_matrix[nu, nu] = temp
416 nu += 1
419 def compute_prior_shear(self, u_prior):
420 """
421 Compute a prior matrix for the shear
423 :param u_prior: Toroidal/poloidal flow Schmidt semi-normalized spherical harmonic coefficients
424 :type u_prior: ndarray (Ntimes x 2Lu(Lu + 2))
425 :return Pss_inv_with_glasso: Covariance matrix Toroidal/poloidal flow Schmidt semi-normalized spherical harmonic coefficients
426 :rtype Pss_inv_with_glasso: ndarray (2Lu(Lu + 2) x 2Lu(Lu + 2))
427 """
429 # Calculating a priory matrix for the shear
431 u_covar_coefs = np.array(u_prior)
432 u_m_covar_coefs = templib.flowToMMatrix(u_covar_coefs, self.Lu)
433 Pss_from_dynamo_covar_cossin = np.matmul(u_m_covar_coefs.T, u_m_covar_coefs) / (u_m_covar_coefs.shape[0] - 1)
435 # Applying graphical lasso to shear prior information
437 Css_temp = np.linalg.inv(np.diag(np.sqrt(np.diag(Pss_from_dynamo_covar_cossin)))).dot(Pss_from_dynamo_covar_cossin).dot(np.linalg.inv(np.diag(np.sqrt(np.diag(Pss_from_dynamo_covar_cossin)))))
438 Css_tilda = skcov.graphical_lasso(Css_temp, self.glasso_lambda_u, max_iter=100)[0]
439 Pss_tilda = np.diag(np.sqrt(np.diag(Pss_from_dynamo_covar_cossin))).dot(Css_tilda).dot(np.diag(np.sqrt(np.diag(Pss_from_dynamo_covar_cossin))))
440 Pss_inv_with_glasso = np.linalg.inv(
442 return Pss_inv_with_glasso
445 def compute_prior_error_shear(self, y1_error_of_representativeness, y2_error_of_representativeness):
446 """
447 Computing a priory error matrix for the shear product
449 :param y1_error_of_representativeness: Toroidal flow error Schmidt semi-normalized spherical harmonic coefficients
450 :type y1_error_of_representativeness: ndarray (Ntimes x Lu(Lu + 2))
451 :param y2_error_of_representativeness: Poloidal flow error Schmidt semi-normalized spherical harmonic coefficients
452 :type y2_error_of_representativeness: ndarray (Ntimes x Lu(Lu + 2))
453 :return Pee_y1_tilda_with_glasso: Covariance matrix Toroidal flow error Schmidt semi-normalized spherical harmonic coefficients
454 :rtype Pee_y1_tilda_with_glasso: ndarray (Lu(Lu + 2) x Lu(Lu + 2))
455 :return Pee_y2_tilda_with_glasso: Covariance matrix Poloidal flow error Schmidt semi-normalized spherical harmonic coefficients
456 :rtype Pee_y2_tilda_with_glasso: ndarray (Lu(Lu + 2) x Lu(Lu + 2))
457 """
459 # Calculating a priory error matrix for the shear product
460 Pee_y1_apriory_temp = / y1_error_of_representativeness.shape[0]
461 Pee_y2_apriory_temp = / y2_error_of_representativeness.shape[0]
463 # Applying graphical lasso to shear prior information
464 Cee_y1_temp = np.linalg.inv(np.diag(np.sqrt(np.diag(Pee_y1_apriory_temp)))).dot(Pee_y1_apriory_temp).dot(np.linalg.inv(np.diag(np.sqrt(np.diag(Pee_y1_apriory_temp)))))
465 Cee_y2_temp = np.linalg.inv(np.diag(np.sqrt(np.diag(Pee_y2_apriory_temp)))).dot(Pee_y2_apriory_temp).dot(np.linalg.inv(np.diag(np.sqrt(np.diag(Pee_y2_apriory_temp)))))
467 Cee_y1_tilda = skcov.graphical_lasso(Cee_y1_temp, self.glasso_lambda_err, max_iter=100)[0]
468 Cee_y2_tilda = skcov.graphical_lasso(Cee_y2_temp, self.glasso_lambda_err, max_iter=100)[0]
470 Pee_y1_tilda_with_glasso = np.diag(np.sqrt(np.diag(Pee_y1_apriory_temp))).dot(Cee_y1_tilda).dot(np.diag(np.sqrt(np.diag(Pee_y1_apriory_temp))))
471 Pee_y2_tilda_with_glasso = np.diag(np.sqrt(np.diag(Pee_y2_apriory_temp))).dot(Cee_y2_tilda).dot(np.diag(np.sqrt(np.diag(Pee_y2_apriory_temp))))
473 return Pee_y1_tilda_with_glasso, Pee_y2_tilda_with_glasso
476 def compute_shear(self, U, DU, MF, SV, Pee_y1_tilda_with_glasso, Pee_y2_tilda_with_glasso, Pss_inv_with_glasso):
477 """
478 Compute the shear
480 :param U: Toroidal/poloidal flow in Schmidt semi-normalized spherical harmonic coefficients
481 :type U: ndarray (2Lu(Lu + 2))
482 :param DU: Toroidal/poloidal rate of change flow in Schmidt semi-normalized spherical harmonic coefficients
483 :type DU: ndarray (2Lu(Lu + 2))
484 :param MF: Radial Main Field in Schmidt semi-normalized spherical harmonic coefficients
485 :type MF: ndarray (Lb(Lb + 2))
486 :param SV: Radial Secular Variation in Schmidt semi-normalized spherical harmonic coefficients
487 :type SV: ndarray (Lsv(Lsv + 2))
488 :param Pee_y1_tilda_with_glasso: Covariance matrix Toroidal flow error Schmidt semi-normalized spherical harmonic coefficients
489 :type Pee_y1_tilda_with_glasso: ndarray (Lu(Lu + 2) x Lu(Lu + 2))
490 :param Pee_y2_tilda_with_glasso: Covariance matrix Poloidal flow error Schmidt semi-normalized spherical harmonic coefficients
491 :type Pee_y2_tilda_with_glasso: ndarray (Lu(Lu + 2) x Lu(Lu + 2))
492 :param Pss_inv_with_glasso: Covariance matrix Toroidal/poloidal flow Schmidt semi-normalized spherical harmonic coefficients
493 :type Pss_inv_with_glasso: ndarray (2Lu(Lu + 2) x 2Lu(Lu + 2))
494 :return SH_coef: Toroidal/poloidal shear in Schmidt semi-normalized spherical harmonic coefficients
495 :rtype SH_coef: ndarray (2Lu(Lu + 2))
496 """
498 U, DU, MF, SV = self.load_data(U, DU, MF, SV)
500 (
501 Br_glm_Rc_r_i,
502 Br_data_matrix,
503 Br_dt_data_matrix,
504 u_true,
505 u_dt_true
506 ) = self.prepare_data(U, DU, MF, SV)
508 self.build_forward_matrices(Br_glm_Rc_r_i, Br_data_matrix, Br_dt_data_matrix)
510 SH_coef = self.compute_inverse(
511 Pee_y1_tilda_with_glasso,
512 Pee_y2_tilda_with_glasso,
513 Pss_inv_with_glasso,
514 u_true,
515 u_dt_true
516 )
518 return SH_coef
521 def load_data(self, U, DU, MF, SV):
522 """
523 Load U DU MF and SV coefficient vectors at required time
524 """
526 measures = ["U", "DU", "MF", "SV"]
527 for i, data in enumerate([U, DU, MF, SV]):
528 if np.max(data.shape) == data.reshape(-1,).shape[0]:
529 data = data.reshape(-1,)
530 else:
531 raise ValueError(measures[i] + " must be 1D but has dimensions " + str(data.shape))
533 return U, DU, MF, SV
536 def prepare_data(self, U, DU, MF, SV):
537 """
538 Perform U, DU, MF, SV transformations
539 """
541 #########################################
542 # Defining coefficients that are used
543 # in calculation
544 # glm - main field coefficients
545 # dtglm - coefficients of change of
546 # the magnetic field
547 # tlmclm - flow coefficients
548 #########################################
550 glm = np.array(MF)
551 dtglm = np.array(SV)
553 # multiplying magnetic field coefficients by -1^m
554 # and recalcuting it to the Earth Core radius
556 (Br_glm_Rc_2, _, _) = templib.magnFieldFromRaToRaRcM(glm, self.Lb)
557 (gdot_Rc_coeffs_2, _, _) = templib.magnFieldFromRaToRaRcM(dtglm, self.Lb)
559 # recalcilating to another representation and building
560 # physical values on theta phi
562 Br_glm_Rc_r_i =
563 Br_data_matrix = bbf.calculate_Br_from_ReIm(self.Lb, self.gauss_thetas, self.phis, Br_glm_Rc_r_i)
565 Br_glm_Rc_dt_r_i =
566 Br_dt_data_matrix = bbf.calculate_Br_from_ReIm(self.Lb, self.gauss_thetas, self.phis, Br_glm_Rc_dt_r_i)
568 #########################################
569 # multiplying all flow coefficients by -1^m
571 u_m = templib.flowToM(U, self.Lu)
573 # Doing the same for the time change of
574 # the flow coefficients
576 u_m_dt = templib.flowToM(DU, self.Lu)
578 # caclculating u+lm and u-lm from tlm clm
580 u_true =
581 u_dt_true =
583 return Br_glm_Rc_r_i, Br_data_matrix, Br_dt_data_matrix, u_true, u_dt_true
586 def build_forward_matrices(self, Br_glm_Rc_r_i, Br_data_matrix, Br_dt_data_matrix):
587 """
588 Build forward matrices
589 """
591 #########################################
592 self.t_plus_matrix_from_ulm, self.t_minus_matrix_from_ulm = bbf.calculate_t_from_u(
593 self.Ly,
594 self.Lb,
595 self.Nu_real_imag_form,
596 self.gauss_thetas,
597 self.gauss_weights,
598 self.phis,
599 np.array(Br_glm_Rc_r_i),
600 self.u_plus_data_matrices,
601 self.u_minus_data_matrices,
602 tmax=self.tmax,
603 debug=True,
604 )
606 #########################################
607 self.v_zero_matrix_from_ulm = bbf.calculate_v0_from_u_minus_plus(
608 self.Ly,
609 self.Lb,
610 self.Ny_real_imag_form,
611 self.gauss_thetas,
612 self.gauss_weights,
613 self.phis,
614 np.array(Br_glm_Rc_r_i),
615 self.u_plus_data_matrices,
616 self.u_minus_data_matrices,
617 tmax=self.tmax,
618 debug=True,
619 )
621 #########################################
622 self.p_plus_matrix_from_clm, self.p_minus_matrix_from_clm = bbf.calculate_p_from_clm(
623 self.Ly,
624 self.Lb,
625 self.Ny_real_imag_form,
626 self.Nu_real_imag_form,
627 np.array(Br_glm_Rc_r_i),
628 self.gauss_thetas,
629 self.gauss_weights,
630 self.phis,
631 self.u_zero_data_matrices,
632 tmax=self.tmax,
633 debug=True,
634 )
636 #########################################
637 self.s_plus_matrix_from_delta, self.s_minus_matrix_from_delta = bbf.calculate_s_from_delta(
638 self.Ly,
639 self.Lb,
640 self.Lu,
641 np.array(Br_glm_Rc_r_i),
642 self.gauss_thetas,
643 self.gauss_weights,
644 self.phis,
645 self.u_plus_forward_matrix_for_s,
646 self.u_minus_forward_matrix_for_s,
647 tmax=self.tmax,
648 debug=True,
649 )
651 #############################
653 #(
654 # _,
655 # _,
656 # dBr_dt_matrix_from_u_minus_plus,
657 #) = templib.openOrCalculateDBrDtForward(
658 # self.Lb,
659 # self.Lsv,
660 # self.Lq,
661 # self.tmax,
662 # self.Nu_real_imag_form,
663 # self.Br_data_matrix,
664 # self.u_in_real_imag_form_dict,
665 # self.gauss_thetas,
666 # self.gauss_weights,
667 # self.phis,
668 # self.u_plus_forward_matrix_complex,
669 # self.u_minus_forward_matrix_complex,
670 # print_text="Opening or calculating dBr/dt forward matrix Br...",
671 #)
673 (
674 self.v_plus_matrices,
675 self.v_minus_matrices,
676 _,
677 ) = templib.openOrCalculateDBrDtForward(
678 self.Lb,
679 self.Ly,
680 self.Lq,
681 self.tmax,
682 self.Nu_real_imag_form,
683 Br_data_matrix,
684 self.u_in_real_imag_form_dict,
685 self.gauss_thetas,
686 self.gauss_weights,
687 self.phis,
688 self.u_plus_forward_matrix_complex,
689 self.u_minus_forward_matrix_complex
690 )
692 self.v_plus_matrices = templib.from_Ra_to_Rc(self.v_plus_matrices, self.Ly)
693 self.v_minus_matrices = templib.from_Ra_to_Rc(self.v_minus_matrices, self.Ly)
695 (
696 self.v_plus_matrices_dBdt,
697 self.v_minus_matrices_dBdt,
698 _,
699 ) = templib.openOrCalculateDBrDtForward(
700 self.Lb,
701 self.Ly,
702 self.Lq,
703 self.tmax,
704 self.Nu_real_imag_form,
705 Br_dt_data_matrix,
706 self.u_in_real_imag_form_dict,
707 self.gauss_thetas,
708 self.gauss_weights,
709 self.phis,
710 self.u_plus_forward_matrix_complex,
711 self.u_minus_forward_matrix_complex
712 )
714 self.v_plus_matrices_dBdt = templib.from_Ra_to_Rc(self.v_plus_matrices_dBdt, self.Ly)
715 self.v_minus_matrices_dBdt = templib.from_Ra_to_Rc(self.v_minus_matrices_dBdt, self.Ly)
718 (
719 v_plus_matrices_2,
720 v_minus_matrices_2,
721 _,
722 ) = templib.openOrCalculateDBrDtForward(
723 self.Lb,
724 self.Ly,
725 self.Lq,
726 self.tmax,
727 self.Nu_real_imag_form,
728 Br_data_matrix,
729 self.u_in_real_imag_form_dict,
730 self.gauss_thetas,
731 self.gauss_weights,
732 self.phis,
733 self.u_plus_forward_matrix_complex,
734 self.u_minus_forward_matrix_complex
735 )
738 ###############################
739 self.lv_plus_matrix = np.array(v_plus_matrices_2)
740 self.lv_minus_matrix = np.array(v_minus_matrices_2)
741 n = 0
742 for lv in range(1, self.Ly):
743 for mv in range(-lv, lv + 1):
744 self.lv_plus_matrix[n, :] = self.lv_plus_matrix[n, :] * -lv
745 self.lv_minus_matrix[n, :] = self.lv_minus_matrix[n, :] * -lv
746 n += 1
747 self.lv_plus_matrix[n, :] = self.lv_plus_matrix[n, :] * -lv
748 self.lv_minus_matrix[n, :] = self.lv_minus_matrix[n, :] * -lv
749 n += 1
751 self.lv_plus_matrix = templib.from_Ra_to_Rc(self.lv_plus_matrix, self.Ly)
752 self.lv_minus_matrix = templib.from_Ra_to_Rc(self.lv_minus_matrix, self.Ly)
755 def compute_inverse(self, Pee_y1_tilda_with_glasso, Pee_y2_tilda_with_glasso, Pss_inv_with_glasso, u_true, u_dt_true):
756 """
757 Solve the shear inverse problem
758 """
760 #Ny_real_imag_stayed = len(self.STAYED_LINES_Y_Real)
762 A1 = (
763 -np.concatenate((self.t_minus_matrix_from_ulm, self.t_plus_matrix_from_ulm), axis=1)
764 + self.v_zero_matrix_from_ulm
765 - np.concatenate(
766 (
769 ),
770 axis=1,
771 )
772 )
773 A1 = np.array(A1[:self.Ny_real_imag_form, :])[self.STAYED_LINES_Y_Real]
774 A1 =
776 B1 = np.concatenate((self.s_minus_matrix_from_delta, self.s_plus_matrix_from_delta), axis=1)
777 B1 = np.array(B1[:self.Ny_real_imag_form, :])[self.STAYED_LINES_Y_Real]
778 B1_minus = ([:, 2:]
779 B1_minus =
781 A1_conducting_dBdt = (
782 self.tau1 * np.concatenate((self.v_minus_matrices_dBdt, self.v_plus_matrices_dBdt), axis=1)
783 )
784 A1_conducting_dBdt = np.array(A1_conducting_dBdt[:self.Ny_real_imag_form, :])[self.STAYED_LINES_Y_Real]
785 A1_conducting_dBdt =
787 A1_conducting_Br = (
788 self.tau1 * np.concatenate((self.v_minus_matrices, self.v_plus_matrices), axis=1)
789 )
790 A1_conducting_Br = np.array(A1_conducting_Br[:self.Ny_real_imag_form, :])[self.STAYED_LINES_Y_Real]
791 A1_conducting_Br =
793 #y1_true =
794 y1_true_conducting = + +
796 ###############################
798 A2 = (
799 -np.concatenate((-self.t_minus_matrix_from_ulm, self.t_plus_matrix_from_ulm), axis=1)
800 - np.concatenate(
801 (
804 ),
805 axis=1,
806 )
807 - np.concatenate((-self.lv_minus_matrix, self.lv_plus_matrix), axis=1)
808 )
810 A2 = np.array(A2[:self.Ny_real_imag_form, :])[self.STAYED_LINES_Y_Imag]
811 A2 =
813 # A2_conducting_dBdt = (
814 # tau1 * np.concatenate((-v_minus_matrices_dBdt, v_plus_matrices_dBdt), axis=1)
815 # )
816 # A2_conducting_dBdt = np.array(A2_conducting_dBdt[:Ny_real_imag_form, :])[STAYED_LINES_Y_Imag]
817 # A2_conducting_dBdt =
819 # A2_conducting_Br = (
820 # tau1 * np.concatenate((-v_minus_matrices, v_plus_matrices), axis=1)
821 # )
822 # A2_conducting_Br = np.array(A2_conducting_Br[:Ny_real_imag_form, :])[STAYED_LINES_Y_Imag]
823 # A2_conducting_Br =
825 B2 = np.concatenate((-self.s_minus_matrix_from_delta, self.s_plus_matrix_from_delta), axis=1)
826 B2 = np.array(B2[:self.Ny_real_imag_form, :])[self.STAYED_LINES_Y_Imag]
827 B2_minus = ([:, 2:]
828 B2_minus =
830 y2_true_conducting =
831 # y2_true_conducting = + +
833 ################################
835 R1_with_glasso = Pee_y1_tilda_with_glasso
837 ###############################
839 R2_with_glasso = Pee_y2_tilda_with_glasso
841 ###############################
843 y12_true_conducting = np.concatenate((y1_true_conducting, y2_true_conducting), axis=0)
844 B12 = np.concatenate((B1_minus, B2_minus), axis=0)
845 R12_with_glasso = np.concatenate((np.concatenate((R1_with_glasso, np.zeros(R1_with_glasso.shape)), axis=0), np.concatenate((np.zeros(R2_with_glasso.shape), R2_with_glasso), axis=0)), axis=1)
846 R12_inv_with_glasso = np.linalg.inv(R12_with_glasso)
848 Pss1212_hathat_with_glasso = np.linalg.inv( + Pss_inv_with_glasso)
850 s12hat_true_conducting_temp =
851 s12hat_true_conducting = np.zeros((self.Nu_real_imag_form, ))
852 s12hat_true_conducting = s12hat_true_conducting_temp
853 s12hat_true_conducting =
855 # Convert complex SH basis to schmidt semi normalized coefficients
856 SH_coef =
857 SH_coef = templib.flowToM(SH_coef, self.Lu)
858 SH_coef[:self.Nu] = -SH_coef[:self.Nu]
859 SH_coef = SH_coef.reshape(-1,)
861 return SH_coef
865class ShearError(ShearInversion):
866 """
867 Compute the error of representativeness at CMB
868 """
870 def __init__(self, Ly, Lu, Lb, TauG, prior_dir_shear, prior_type_shear, test=""):
871 """
872 Init instance of ShearError
873 """
875 self.Ly = Ly
876 self.Lu = Lu
877 self.Lb = Lb
878 self.Lsv = self.Lb
880 self.prior_dir_shear = prior_dir_shear
881 self.prior_type_shear = prior_type_shear
882 self.tau1 = TauG
883 self.test = test
885 self.tmax = 64
886 self.tpmax = 2 * self.tmax**2
887 self.pmax = 2 * self.tmax
888 self.gauss_thetas, self.gauss_weights = bbf.gaussPoints(0, np.pi, self.tmax)
889 self.phis = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, self.pmax, endpoint=False)
890 self.Nb = self.Lb * (self.Lb + 2)
891 self.Nsv = self.Lsv * (self.Lsv + 2)
892 self.Nu = self.Lu * (self.Lu + 2)
893 self.Nu2 = 2 * self.Nu
894 self.Ny = self.Ly * (self.Ly + 2)
895 self.Ny2 = 2 * self.Ny
896 self.Lq = self.Lu - 1
899 def load_prior_for_err_rep(self):
900 """
901 Load prior to compute error of representativeness
903 :return U: Toroidal/poloidal flow in Schmidt semi-normalized spherical harmonic coefficients
904 :rtype U: ndarray (2Lu(Lu + 2))
905 :return DU: Toroidal/poloidal rate of change flow in Schmidt semi-normalized spherical harmonic coefficients
906 :rtype DU: ndarray (2Lu(Lu + 2))
907 :return MF: Radial Main Field in Schmidt semi-normalized spherical harmonic coefficients
908 :rtype MF: ndarray (Lb(Lb + 2))
909 :return SV: Radial Secular Variation in Schmidt semi-normalized spherical harmonic coefficients
910 :rtype SV: ndarray (Lb(Lb + 2))
911 """
913 if self.test == "":
914 if self.prior_type_shear == "coupled_earth":
915 #sign convention coupled earth U
916 u_full = -np.loadtxt(self.prior_dir_shear + "/RealU.dat")
917 mf_full = np.loadtxt(self.prior_dir_shear + "/RealB.dat")
918 elif self.prior_type_shear == "geodynamo" or self.prior_type_shear == "midpath" or self.prior_type_shear == "71path":
919 f = h5py.File(self.prior_dir_shear + "/Real.hdf5", "r")
920 u_full = np.array(f['U'])
921 mf_full = np.array(f['MF'])
922 else:
923 u_full = np.loadtxt(self.test + "/test_shear/tnmsnm")
924 mf_full = np.loadtxt(self.test + "/test_shear/gnm")
926 tnm = u_full[:, : u_full.shape[1]//2]
927 snm = u_full[:, u_full.shape[1]//2 :]
928 U = np.concatenate((-tnm[:, 0:self.Nu], snm[:, 0:self.Nu]), axis=1)
929 MF = mf_full[:, :self.Nb]
930 DU=np.zeros(np.shape(U)) # because TauG = 0
931 SV=np.zeros(np.shape(MF)) # because TauG = 0
933 if not U.shape[0] == DU.shape[0] == MF.shape[0] == SV.shape[0]:
934 raise ValueError("U, DU, MF, SV time series are not the same length, respectively {}, {}, {}, {}".format(U.shape[0],DU.shape[0],MF.shape[0],SV.shape[0]))
936 return U, DU, MF, SV
939 def compute_derivative(self,A,N,dt):
940 out = np.zeros(A.shape)
941 N = A.shape[1]
942 for i in range(N):
943 if i == 0 :
944 out[:, i] = (A[:, i+1] - A[:, i]) / (dt)
945 elif i == N - 1 :
946 out[:, i] = (A[:, i] - A[:, i-1]) / (dt)
947 else :
948 out[:, i] = (A[:, i+1] - A[:, i-1]) / (2*dt)
950 return out
953 def compute_error(self, U, DU, MF, SV):
954 """
955 Compute the error of representativeness
957 :param U: Toroidal/poloidal flow in Schmidt semi-normalized spherical harmonic coefficients
958 :type U: ndarray (2Lu(Lu + 2))
959 :param DU: Toroidal/poloidal rate of change flow in Schmidt semi-normalized spherical harmonic coefficients
960 :type DU: ndarray (2Lu(Lu + 2))
961 :param MF: Radial Main Field in Schmidt semi-normalized spherical harmonic coefficients
962 :type MF: ndarray (Lb(Lb + 2))
963 :param SV: Radial Secular Variation in Schmidt semi-normalized spherical harmonic coefficients
964 :type SV: ndarray (Lb(Lb + 2))
965 :return err: Toroidal/poloidal error of representativeness in Schmidt semi-normalized spherical harmonic coefficients
966 :rtype: ndarray (Ntimes x 2Ly(Ly + 2))
967 """
969 U, DU, MF, SV = self.load_data(U, DU, MF, SV)
971 (
972 Br_glm_Rc_r_i,
973 Br_data_matrix,
974 Br_dt_data_matrix,
975 u_true,
976 u_dt_true
977 ) = self.prepare_data(U, DU, MF, SV)
979 self.build_forward_matrices(Br_glm_Rc_r_i, Br_data_matrix, Br_dt_data_matrix)
981 err = self.solve_error(
982 u_true,
983 u_dt_true
984 )
986 return err
990 def solve_error(self, u_true, u_dt_true):
991 """
992 Solve for the error
993 """
995 #Ny_real_imag_stayed = len(self.STAYED_LINES_Y_Real)
997 A1 = (
998 -np.concatenate((self.t_minus_matrix_from_ulm, self.t_plus_matrix_from_ulm), axis=1)
999 + self.v_zero_matrix_from_ulm
1000 - np.concatenate(
1001 (
1004 ),
1005 axis=1,
1006 )
1007 )
1008 A1 = np.array(A1[:self.Ny_real_imag_form, :])[self.STAYED_LINES_Y_Real]
1009 A1 =
1011 B1 = np.concatenate((self.s_minus_matrix_from_delta, self.s_plus_matrix_from_delta), axis=1)
1012 B1 = np.array(B1[:self.Ny_real_imag_form, :])[self.STAYED_LINES_Y_Real]
1013 B1_minus = ([:, 2:]
1014 B1_minus =
1016 A1_conducting_dBdt = (
1017 self.tau1 * np.concatenate((self.v_minus_matrices_dBdt, self.v_plus_matrices_dBdt), axis=1)
1018 )
1019 A1_conducting_dBdt = np.array(A1_conducting_dBdt[:self.Ny_real_imag_form, :])[self.STAYED_LINES_Y_Real]
1020 A1_conducting_dBdt =
1022 A1_conducting_Br = (
1023 self.tau1 * np.concatenate((self.v_minus_matrices, self.v_plus_matrices), axis=1)
1024 )
1025 A1_conducting_Br = np.array(A1_conducting_Br[:self.Ny_real_imag_form, :])[self.STAYED_LINES_Y_Real]
1026 A1_conducting_Br =
1028 #y1_true =
1029 y1_true_conducting = + +
1031 ###############################
1033 A2 = (
1034 -np.concatenate((-self.t_minus_matrix_from_ulm, self.t_plus_matrix_from_ulm), axis=1)
1035 - np.concatenate(
1036 (
1039 ),
1040 axis=1,
1041 )
1042 - np.concatenate((-self.lv_minus_matrix, self.lv_plus_matrix), axis=1)
1043 )
1045 A2 = np.array(A2[:self.Ny_real_imag_form, :])[self.STAYED_LINES_Y_Imag]
1046 A2 =
1048 # A2_conducting_dBdt = (
1049 # tau1 * np.concatenate((-v_minus_matrices_dBdt, v_plus_matrices_dBdt), axis=1)
1050 # )
1051 # A2_conducting_dBdt = np.array(A2_conducting_dBdt[:Ny_real_imag_form, :])[STAYED_LINES_Y_Imag]
1052 # A2_conducting_dBdt =
1054 # A2_conducting_Br = (
1055 # tau1 * np.concatenate((-v_minus_matrices, v_plus_matrices), axis=1)
1056 # )
1057 # A2_conducting_Br = np.array(A2_conducting_Br[:Ny_real_imag_form, :])[STAYED_LINES_Y_Imag]
1058 # A2_conducting_Br =
1060 B2 = np.concatenate((-self.s_minus_matrix_from_delta, self.s_plus_matrix_from_delta), axis=1)
1061 B2 = np.array(B2[:self.Ny_real_imag_form, :])[self.STAYED_LINES_Y_Imag]
1062 B2_minus = ([:, 2:]
1063 B2_minus =
1065 y2_true_conducting =
1066 # y2_true_conducting = + +
1068 y12_true_conducting = np.concatenate((y1_true_conducting, y2_true_conducting), axis=0)
1069 B12 = np.concatenate((B1_minus, B2_minus), axis=0)
1071 # Compute representativeness error
1072 err = y12_true_conducting - B12 @
1073 err = err.reshape(-1,)
1075 return err