Coverage for pygeodyn/shear/ 0%
52 statements
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1import numpy as np
2import os
3import time
4import logging
5from pygeodyn.shear.shear_algo import ShearError
6from mpi4py import MPI
8# directory of the script
9dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
11# Computation parameters
12Ly = 18
13Lu = 18
14Lb = 13
15prior_dir_shear = dir + "/../data/priors/CE_augkf" #coupled_earth
16prior_type_shear = "coupled_earth" #coupled_earth
17#prior_dir_shear = dir + "/../data/priors/midpath" #midpath
18#prior_type_shear = "midpath" #midpath
19#prior_dir_shear = dir + "/../data/priors/71path" #71path
20#prior_type_shear = "71path" #71path
21TauG = 0
23def compute_error(Ly, Lu, Lb, TauG, prior_dir_shear, prior_type_shear):
24 """
25 Compute the error of representativeness for all prior times and save it in prior_dir_shear
27 :param Ly: Maximal spherical harmonic degree of the constraint on the shear
28 :type Ly: int
29 :param Lu: Maximal spherical harmonic degree of the core flow
30 :type Lu: int
31 :param Lb: Maximal spherical harmonic degree of the magnetic field
32 :type Lb: int
33 :param TauG: Time constant for the shear (MUST REMAIN 0 SO FAR)
34 :type TauG: int
35 :param prior_dir_shear: Directory containing the prior data for the shear computation
36 :type prior_dir_shear: str
37 :param prior_type_shear: Prior type for the shear computation
38 :type prior_type_shear: str
39 :param test: Test directory that contains reference data for tests
40 :type test: str
41 """
43 # to improve performance in parrallel
44 os.environ["MKL_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
45 os.environ["NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
46 os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
48 # Init MPI
49 if not MPI.Is_initialized():
50 MPI.Init()
51 comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
52 nb_proc = comm.Get_size()
53 rank = comm.Get_rank()
55 def first_process():
56 return rank == 0
58 # Log
59 logging_level = logging.INFO
60 log_format = '%(asctime)s - Process {} - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'.format(rank)
61 logging.basicConfig(format=log_format, level=logging_level)
63 if first_process:
64 begin_time = time.time()
66 # Init ShearError instance
67 error = ShearError(Ly, Lu, Lb, TauG, prior_dir_shear, prior_type_shear)
69 # Precompute operators
70 error.precompute_operators()
72 # Compute
73 U,DU,MF,SV = error.load_prior_for_err_rep()
75 N_times = U.shape[0]
77 # Build the attribution of times if several processes in parallel
78 attributed_times = range(rank, N_times, nb_proc)
80 store = np.zeros((N_times, error.Ny2))
82 for i in attributed_times:
83"Computing error at time index " + str(i) + " out of " + str(N_times))
84 u = U[i,:]
85 du = DU[i,:]
86 mf = MF[i,:]
87 sv = SV[i,:]
89 store[i,:] = error.compute_error(u, du, mf, sv)
91 # Recover all errors by summing all arrays
92 # Note that Allreduce updates the array of each process with the result so no need to broadcast afterwards.
93"Waiting all process to finish computing the error of representativeness")
94 comm.Allreduce(MPI.IN_PLACE, store, op=MPI.SUM)
95"Sync done !".format(rank))
97 if first_process:
98 # Save error in prior_dir_shear
99 + "/y12_err_repr_Ly_{}_Lu_{}_Lb_{}.npy".format(Ly,Lu,Lb), store)
101 end_time = time.time()
102 elapsed_time = end_time - begin_time
103"Elapsed time : {:.2f}".format(elapsed_time))
105if __name__ == '__main__':
106 compute_error(Ly, Lu, Lb, TauG, prior_dir_shear, prior_type_shear)